Posted on 31/05/2023 (GMT 07:30 hrs)
We are living in an imagined nation-state where the phallocentric, crony oligarchical dispositif takes precedence over the inalienable rights of our farmers, workers, students, women and, especially in this context, our beloved sports-persons: wrestlers, athletes….
Those who are charged with serious criminal acts against women are being defended and guarded by the entire administrative machinery by following the dictates of the political executive, i.e., the current ruling party. Rioters, mass-murderers, rapists, molesters and stalkers are completely receiving political aid and political protection, while our athletes and other sports-persons have decided to immerse their sports medals in the Ganges. The Ganges, traditionally posed as the domain of purity and cleansing of sins…whence shall the corrupt people in power take their final (metaphorical) dip in these waters, and never to return? Respect existence or expect resistance…
750+ farmers have perished while protesting against the repressive farm laws. They have been mercilessly, pitilessly crushed by the theocratic, corporatized state machinery under the literal and metaphorical bulldozer. All our migrant labourers could not reach their homes to their families due to the unplanned, poorly executed national lockdown. Just as the demonetization took place in an entirely unplanned manner without ever meeting its promises⤡...
This suffocating regime is killing us. Endless bankruptcies are the order of the day. Money of the common people are being channelized to the accounts of the politically favoured Adani and Ambani…also their families and newborns. They are going to grow up to follow the path of their fathers and grandfathers (patriarchy intended). Let them live and prosper like blood-sucking parasites, while the toiling population suffers unimaginably.
The richest 1% owns 40%–50% of the nation’s wealth….what’s with this income gap? This increasing class polarization? This antagonism of interests?
The flights have all taken off. All the passengers aboard: Mehul Choksi, Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi and countless other superrich wilful defaulters are travelling the world after their loans were ‘written off’ in the name of being ‘waived off’ ⤡ (Orwellian doublespeak). They simply do not care. They are taking their flight on the back of the Bulbul birds. The ruling party loves these loan-defaulters and helps them at the time of their crisis. Nobody cares about the helpless citizens. Well, who knows….we might be expelled from the country through the consolidation of the NRC-CAA-NPR-DPB!
The crises of our womenfolk are left unheard. The youth of India commit suicide every minute much more in frequency than any other country in the world. Ours is a country of darkness and doom, of unprecedented unemployment, hunger, unhappiness and gulping down the monocroto phosphate/Monocrotophos. The trees are unable to bear the weight of the hanging corpses of the sons of soil any longer, the trees are going to fall down inevitably. The license has been given to commit large-scale deforestation of habitats. Jessore Road cries, the cries of the trees are sounding in the atmosphere… the cry of the forgotten times. Where is the refuge, pray tell me? Pogroms are manufactured…dispersing the population, cutting the throats of each other to ensure the so-called “religion”, an intoxicating medium…a opium! A religion of hatred, intolerance, funded violence and egotism! The displacement of anger is evident, where the “have-nots” are bound to take the religious recourse as it is also a sigh of the oppressed creatures! Therefore, the domination and hegemony are working hand in hand. University campuses are being filled with police barricades and state-sponsored bouncers to suppress student activism. What is this? A police-state! A surveillance state!
The present ruling party is searching for the holy phallus everywhere, and defending the holy phallus constantly. The ruling party is part of the Sangh Parivar, a supra-organization that believes in the sanctity of the Manusmrti, a book that is misogynist at its core. What can one expect from the indoctrinated believers of such a hegemonic ideological narrative that treats women like passive, inert reproductive machines, mere objectified commodities, to be used and disposed off into the trash-can. The rapists’ penises is substituted by the imposed symbolic phalli within the ambit of the symbolic order of religiosity. The religiosity that prevents menstruating women to enter the temple in Sabarimala, whereas in Kamakhya, mensturation is ritualistically celebrated. We are living a life of contradictions…
Hail to the King! The New Parliament Building is being unveiled with the help of selected corporate tycoons and Hindu monks in a “secular, socialist, democratic republic”, though it has been built by wasting the tax-payers’ money. A camera-fetishist megalomaniac is inaugurating it. The symbolism of the sceptre of the king is foregrounded: the monarchical assertion of power-domination. Just outside of the building, at the same time, women protesters are being lathi-charged, beaten by MALE police-officers. Aren’t these protesters the very same women-wrestlers, who amplified our national pride through their achievements? Our “king” did not fail to click photographs with them or politically manipulate them at their moment of victory. However, now they have been forgotten. They are left to be treated like the colonialists treated the cotton-plantation slaves in America once.
Regression, a regression into monolithic autocratic control… a loss of human rights, a loss of equal treatment before the law…. the law is becoming the mouthpiece of the political executive: the richest ruling party. Our “king” has given himself in self-indulgence of expensive food, clothing, transport…. he is enjoying his own company in the ramp of India’s dilapidated democracy. Who cares what the women-wrestlers want? We are astonished to witness that our cricketers ( except Kapil Dev, Irfan Pathan, Harbhajan Singh, Anil Kumble), footballers etc., are completely mute about this issue! (The only exception is Neeraj Chopra, gold medalist in the Olympics, who has actively participating in the protests and also earlier declined to join the BJP. He is a javelineer in the true sense of the term!)
Have we collectively lost our backbone and voice of conscience? Where are our spinal cords? It is not to be found…
Oh my country, what has happened to you?
We absolutely love our country, but despise our government.
We express our heartfelt solidarity to the protesters against the present tyrannical government of India.
RE: If you want, you may sign the following petitions to express solidarity to our protesting national sports-persons:
Human Rights Compromised in India under the Oligarchic Regime