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Is the Present Indian Government Least Concerned about the Indian Armed Forces?

Posted on 28/10/2023 (GMT 00.40)

Dedicated to the Indomitable Revolutionaries of

The Indian National Army (1942-1945)


The Great Indian Naval Revolt (1946)

“In response to the Quit India Movement launched in August 1942, Savarkar instructed Hindu Sabhaites who were “members of municipalities, local bodies, legislatures or those serving in the army… to stick to their posts,” across the country. At that time, when Japan had conquered many Southeast Asian countries in India’s vicinity, Bose was making arrangements to go from Germany to Japan – from whose occupied territories the INA’s assault on British forces was launched in October the following year. It was under these circumstances that Savarkar not only instructed those serving in the British army to ‘stick to their posts’, but had also been involved for years in “organising recruitment camps for the British armed forces which were to slaughter the cadres of INA in different parts of North-East later.” In one year alone, Savarkar had boasted in Madura, one lakh Hindus were recruited into the British armed forces as a result of the Mahasabha’s efforts. Even though the British Army, with which Savarkar and the Hindu Mahasabha were collaborating, managed to defeat Bose’s INA, the subsequent public trials of INA officers at the Red Fort roused in the Indian soldiers of the British armed forces a political conscience, which played a crucial role in triggering the Royal Indian Naval Mutiny in 1946, after which the decision was made by the British to leave India.”

To pay tribute to the Great Naval Revolt, notable playwright Utpal Dutt wrote a play called “Kallol” (Sound of the Waves), based on the naval uprising. It was first performed in 1965 in Kolkata and drew large crowds to the Minerva Theatre where it was being performed. The play was later banned by the then government and Dutt was imprisoned for the same in the year 1965 itself!

Given below is one of the songs from the play, calling for a collective consciousness:

This Post is a Sequel To:

Is there any Discontent in the Indian Armed Forces?

Indian Air Force: DHFL Victims and Recent Chronological Events

Seeking Urgent Help: From The Ailing DHFL FD-Holders, Non-Violent Satyāgrahis: a letter to the Commander-in-chief, Minister of Defence and Chief Marshal, Indian Air Force

At the time when India is declared by some international media houses as “partly free” (Cf. India Wounded VIEW HERE ⤡), we are reminded of the state of unfreedom during the British Colonial Rule. We vividly recount the efforts of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and his Indian National Army to rise in opposition to the imperialist system by reclaiming the power over the militia. The same led to many repercussions that finally contributed to India’s political independence (and transfer of power) in 1947. We do not accept the deterministic proverb: “History Repeats Itself”. However,

“The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language.”

Appreciating the spirit of this thought, we can see the worrying development in the contemporary course of events in this light:

Qatar sentences Indian ex-naval officers to death VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 27th October, 2023 ©BBC)

However, the Government of India seems to be acting pretty ignorant, unconcerned, passive, apathetic and indifferent towards the plight of India’s army personnel, as is evident from the following video-reports:

This attitude of apathy on the part of the Indian Government is nothing new. The Pulwama Massacre (2019) has recently been exposed by Mr. Satyapal Malik, the ex-Governor of J&K, who has highlighted the role of the present ruling party in sacrificing (and deliberately ignoring, at the same time) army personnel (by using them as “mere means”) for the sake of the ends determined by the vote bank (If Satyapal Malik is to be believed).

The Air Force Group Insurance Society suffered massive losses in the DHFL scam, due to which the widows of ex-army personnel are in a miserable condition. The DHFL scam is also the result of the ruling party’s terror-funding, negligence and crony mindset.

We are still yet to know what the condition of the Indian Army in Manipur is at the present hour! Not even one Godi media is reporting anything about the same (cf. Nero’s Dine, Manipur is Burning⤡) . Even we, the common Indian citizens, are quite unaware regarding the forceful Chinese occupation of the Indian Territories through acts of intrusion across the LAC. The current ruling party does not care to turn a hair about any such affair, yet it preaches the idea of “nationalism”!

Our ignorance is not our excuse, rather the ignorance itself is manufactured and perpetuated by the Godi media/Modia.

In this situation of bulldozer justice and mass censorship, what can one expect from the Indian Armed Forces as well as the current ruling party?

A certain clue in response to the above question will suffice for the time being:



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