Posted on 26/05/2023 (GMT 2:00 hrs)
Updated on 15/06/2023 (GMT 19.58 hrs.)
Posters in Manipur. — Jawhar Sircar (@jawharsircar) June 15, 2023
Dearest Modiji,
Hello, hello, hello, Dear Government, can’t you hear my cries? Hey, superrich ruling party, are you hearing impaired? Last 3 and half years, we, the DHFL Victims⤡ are suffering from different psychosomatic disorders—do you know that? Oh, I do not expect knowledge or wisdom from you as you are guided by Tughlaqi wis(h)dom. How can you know the miseries of a person like me? You are too busy with your dresses, foods, camera-fetish fashion parade in the dilapidated ramp of Indian democracy!! Thus, you are far from the madding crowd with only 37% vote share. You will be trapped by the fallacy of hasty generalization, when you say (you have already said that) that you are endowed with the blessings of 140cr Indians.
I, an inhabitant of the no-nation, an earthian or otherwise cosmosian, though you may probably call me an “Indian” (after scrutinizing my docile body through the perilous processes of CAA, NRC, NPR, DPB to turn India into a Hindu Rashtra, a mere genealogical fantasy), am earnestly requesting you not to foreclose your crony market fundamentalism or the free flow of private capital by foregrounding fanatic religious extremism of hatred⤡. Forty Indian army personnel were knowingly sacrificed at the altar of your authoritarian personality. You did not care to send two or four aircraft. Why did you do so?
Your throne is blooded with the seven hundred and fifty+ farmers, who protested against your draconian laws! Not to mention the BBC Documentary and the Caravan‘s report on the planned Gujarat pogrom aka state-sponsored genocide.
All your care is about the health and well-being of your two close friends: the corporate tycoons Adani and Ambani, though Adani is in grave danger after the Hindenburg report. What shall you do now?

Well, how can you hear me? You are surrounded by your bhakts. I am living in a sick society, where high decibel machines are emitting noise—on the festive streets, in the Godi Media and in the parliament! All are sale-brating to forget their miseries—they are dumfounded by the toxic consent-manufacturing propaganda machines. How can you realize the excruciating pains of the many with empathy? You and your party are way too engaged in accumulating money from the taxpayers.
Do you want the body of a nobody like me?—Please take the corpse of my corporeal through your musclemen, the members of Bajrang Dal, instead of slowly killing me by imposing different types of “capital” punishments, i.e., you are financially abusing me. My right to life has gone astray during your plutocratic regime of terror—instead of the will to live, now I will to die. Please legalize active euthanasia⤡. As you, the forebearer of a crony government, are selling (“disinvestment”—doublespeak in the Orwellian State) the governmental properties, you may likewise sell death also. I want to buy death as a commodity. Your Amrit Kaal is Mritkaal⤡ ⤡ for us!
I, an Indian citizen, am not so privileged to be one of the superrich 50+ wilful defaulters, who flew away from India with your kind help; I am not even one of the donors in the Election Bonds or PM Cares Fund, but a pauper and a small fry, am earnestly requesting you to help me die peacefully. As a supposed citizen of the imagined Indian nation state, my corporeal is wounded⤡ by the techne of governmentality; the deployment of anatomo-bio-politics—my creativity is crippled⤡ by the outside violent sociality.
Please, oh my king, don’t slowly and steadily induce poisons of hatred or by making a solvent ongoing company insolvent with a huge haircut so that small creditors/investors can be deprived, instead you should use “shoot at sight” or make gas chambers or otherwise detention camps (again a Orwellian Newspeak) to annihilate me by following the path of the NAZI Germany. We know that you are least bothered about the condition of our beloved country. Yes, we love our country but not our government.
In this claustrophobic situation of the ever-continuing history of exploitation, the history of deprivation and the history of poverty, we have only three ways to combat the same:
(a) be a BJP man without putting any question
(b) self termination;
(c) ready to launch non-violent civil disobedience movement to topple down the wis(h)dom of the oligarchical monarch.
Best, A Victim of Manufactured Financial Abuse due to Political Donations and Terror-Funding
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