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Values of Indian Constitution Endangered: Heading Towards Hindu Rastra?

Posted on 27/01/2024 (GMT 08:50 hrs)

Indeed I live in the dark ages! A guileless word is an absurdity. A smooth forehead betokens A hard heart. He who laughs Has not yet heard The terrible tidings.

Ah, what an age it is When to speak of trees is almost a crime For it is a kind of silence about injustice! And he who walks calmly across the street, Is he not out of reach of his friends In trouble?

It is true: I earn my living But, believe me, it is only an accident. Nothing that I do entitles me to eat my fill. By chance I was spared. (If my luck leaves me I am lost.)

They tell me: eat and drink. Be glad you have it! But how can I eat and drink When my food is snatched from the hungry And my glass of water belongs to the thirsty? And yet I eat and drink.

I would gladly be wise. The old books tell us what wisdom is: Avoid the strife of the world Live out your little time Fearing no one Using no violence Returning good for evil — Not fulfillment of desire but forgetfulness Passes for wisdom. I can do none of this: Indeed I live in the dark ages!


I came to the cities in a time of disorder When hunger ruled. I came among men in a time of uprising And I revolted with them. So the time passed away Which on earth was given me.

I ate my food between massacres. The shadow of murder lay upon my sleep. And when I loved, I loved with indifference. I looked upon nature with impatience. So the time passed away Which on earth was given me.

In my time streets led to the quicksand. Speech betrayed me to the slaughterer. There was little I could do. But without me The rulers would have been more secure. This was my hope. So the time passed away Which on earth was given me.


You, who shall emerge from the flood In which we are sinking, Think — When you speak of our weaknesses, Also of the dark time That brought them forth.

For we went,changing our country more often than our shoes. In the class war, despairing When there was only injustice and no resistance.

For we knew only too well: Even the hatred of squalor Makes the brow grow stern. Even anger against injustice Makes the voice grow harsh. Alas, we Who wished to lay the foundations of kindness Could not ourselves be kind.

But you, when at last it comes to pass That man can help his fellow man, Do no judge us Too harshly.

(“To Posterity”, Bertolt Brecht, translated by H. R. Hays)

There once was a child, who supposedly owned a tea-stall in a railway station that probably did not exist at that time.

That child made tea with the bullshitting mechanism of gutter gas, which is plain nonsense.

There once was a child, who supposedly spent hours in the “local library”, but also the one who never ever dared to call a press conference. It seems that being somewhat afraid of questions does not go with the habit of being a bookworm…

There once was a child, who became a man, who married and supposedly went on a pilgrimage to the Himalayas at once, simultaneously…

Which one holds over which?

He simply left his wife, didn’t he? He disowned her, it seems. He publicly still disavows her, denies her presence, suspects her. He does not let her say a word about his hidden past.

It is said that he was fond of swimming, and told everyone he caught a crocodile.

Some said: Bravo! There is no one like him!

Well, I refuse to think so. At best, he can give off some crocodile tears without meaning those. He can never catch a crocodile. He has been a hopeless coward ever since!

Let us concur: did the crocodile attack him? I think he just made it all up.

I am sure he made up many such similar things, in a recursive habit that borders on the extremely pathological.

He said he got a degree in “Entire Political Science”. From where? At one point, it was said from the Delhi University; at another, it was said that he got his said degree from the “Gujarat University”! Why such a confusion? Is there even a subject such as that? I doubt it. Where are his colleagues, professors? Why cannot they be seen anywhere if he studied in a university?

Is he a blind attention seeker? A person with a serious issue regarding self-image?

It feels that he is a megalomaniac man of contradictions, who persists in a family of lies, deceptions, Goebbelsian propaganda, make-beliefs, bad faiths and all-pervasive willful disregard.

He knew only one thing. He has to get to the highest possible pedestal, from where it would be possible to ignore everyone else. Thus became his journey from the Sangh to the Municipal Corporation to the State of Gujarat to occupying the seat of the Prime Minister of the country!

Wah! Wah! Wah! Claps! Claps! Claps!

That made him take a ride on a raft with photographers around him while the decapacitated soldiers in a disintegrated army truck kept on burning in the borders….

The smell of young flesh and blood gobbling up in the flames of the saffron fire….

The untimely dying gasps of budding vigour of youth…

The cries of the mothers, the widows, the newborn children of those very soldiers sounded all over the gloomy landscape of Aryavarta…

The Marathon of Tragedies: whose onus is it?

Is there any Discontent in the Indian Armed Forces?

Is the Present Indian Government Least Concerned about the Indian Armed Forces?

The engineered “attacks” on mythical “terrorist camps” that followed make no sense. The cries of those who lost their sons, husbands or fathers were sold in the general elections for a price. For paving the way to their victory. For personal gains. For sheer self-pleasure, for satiating the self-gratification complex. The nationalist story sells well! Huh…

The Chinese occupation of nearly 38000 sq. km of Indian territory is being ignored and not heeded by our PM in any manner, despite the fact that he always portrays himself as the supreme “deshbhakt”! Though he said that he would show his “red eyes” to China to scare the Red Army off, none of that has actually happened!

He is good in creating mass simulations. He loves to live in a fantasy world of illusions. He cannot face the reality. Thus, he distances himself from it at every step. It is not about hiding the truth alone, it is the inversion of truth and instead saying: “There isn’t a truth the way one thinks that there is. It is something else. Come, let us tell you!”

We yield to his practices of statist intoxication, funded by his two closest superrich friends. He is solely at their service. Others can simply f*** off!

No one should ever attempt to unveil the true nature of his two rich friends, or else, they will be banished from the Parliament, from the public diaspora! The names of those who protest against these friends of his will be mercilessly silenced, demeaned, insulted, humiliated.

We were ashamed when the coffins arrived from the borders. We brought home our warriors dead. But that validation-seeking moron couldn’t care more. He stopped everyone from uttering a word. Shhh…

Women were paraded naked in broad daylight and videographed. One community lynched the other for food habit, for territory, for ahistorical claims that make zero sense. Some women who made our nation proud were sexually harassed, molested, raped by one of his close friends repeatedly. Yet, that friend remains scot-free⤡.

Yet, Shhh! Silence! The Great Indian Circus is in session!!! The PM is doing his ramp walk on the platform of obliterated Indian democracy without suffering from anorexia nervosa and anorexia bulimia. He is, however, suffering from intellectual anorexia and social myopia.

He learnt this “Shh” word from his inheritance, when he joined the RSS.

The RSS taught him to especially not to heed questions, not to hear other opinions, not to confront the truth. EVER.

It is comforting to serve oneself instead, to have many sycophants around, to listen to magnified eulogies from the morning till night.

This built into the habit of him.

Without self-criticism, self-introspection.

Without even a shred of caring for the many.

Some say he is utterly oblivious to everything, and is merely a puppet of the deus-ex-machina Fat Bro; or maybe the three global terrorist agencies: WB-IMF-WTO. He has no clue what he does.

What does he actually care about?

Getting his photos clicked from different angles.

Wearing fancy clothing and posing in different new ways like a model.

Getting at the centre of every endeavour, every event. Being the inseparable, undaunted, unavoidable, irremovable central focal point of every small or big celebration, irrespective of whether he does or does not deserve the praise or credit. He just wants to be there. He wants to be “looked at”, to be visible, to be “noticed”, to be exhibited as THE ONE: as the one-man army.

“Look at me! Look at me!” He says.

This makes me remember something….

There is this poem, that seems very pertinent here:

They all stare at the Naked King

They clap, still.

They all hoot and cheer

Some out of faith, some out of fear.

Some have mortgaged their intelligence

Some are parasites, others

Beggars, flatterers, cheats;

Still others are thinking maybe the royal dress is really sheer,

The eyes cannot see, but it is there

At least, there’s a chance.

Everyone knows the tale.

But the story is not just about a few people

Who could sweet-talk

Or was afraid, or a trickster, or a panegyrist.

There was also a child-

Honest, straight, courageous.

The make-believe king strutted down the real street–

There is frequent clapping, again.

The flatterers have all gathered around.

But my eyes fail to find that child

In the crowd.

Where is she? Did someone hide her

In a cave up in the mountains?

Or did she fall asleep on the banks of a silent river

Or maybe under the shades of a tree in a field

While doodling with stones, grass and clay…

Go, bring her back by any means

She needs to stand without fear before

The Naked King.

She needs to raise

Raise her voice over the cheering claps

And ask:

O King, Where are Your Clothes?

(“The Naked King” by Nirendranath Chakravarty, Trans. Shreya Bhowmik)

Beyond all the layers of his fancy clothing or expensive makeover, the so-called 56 inch PM is naked. Who will say that? Can we find that child in an era of mass hysteria, of collective hallucination? A child who will expose the true nature of the King Liar, that he is nothing but naked. A naked tyrant, a naked mass-murderer, a naked pogrom-manufacturer, a naked big patriarch!

That naked king still hides behind a veil. Only the bahurupi King can be seen by us.

Thus, he keeps on saying things like:

“God has chosen me to serve you guys.”

“God has given me the task of creating this temple.”



This is where we stop.

And go back a few steps.

The chair of PM is bound by the Constitution of the Land.

What does its Preamble say after all, as it stands today?

Since we are forgetting everything due to a manufactured dementia of sorts, let us reiterate it with special emphasis on a few words:

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;


Economic Justice as mentioned in the Preamble seems to be a myth these days under the PM’s regime. Rampant bankruptcies along with the ever-filling coffers of PM’s party (the current richest party) make us question the economic competence of the present regime. The case of the DHFL scam⤡ , the biggest ever financial scam (before Hindenburg Report) was caused due to the PM’s party’s terror-funding via the proper channel of Dawood Ibrahim, Iqbal Mirchi and others. Why is the PM deaf and mute with regard to that?

Wait a second. If the Constitution is built upon the notion of Secularism, how can a PM, who was publicly elected by “we the people of India” and acts according to the foundational dictates of that very constitution, inaugurate a temple?

Isn’t a temple, a Hindu temple that is to say or any other modes of such worship, a personal affair of citizens to be left to their homes without it ever entering the domain of public politics? Doesn’t secularism teach the separation of the church and the state as much as possible?

Pt. Nehru, the first Prime Minister of the Republic, openly objected to the idea of the then President Rajendra Prasad publicly visiting the Somnath Temple. Nehru said:

“My dear Rajendra Babu, I confess that I do not like the idea of your associating yourself with a spectacular opening of the Somnath Temple. This is not merely visiting a temple, which can certainly be done by you or anyone else, but rather participating in a significant function which unfortunately has a number of implications.”

Ramchandra Guha writes:

“The prime minister thought that public officials should never publicly associate with faiths and shrines. The president on the other hand, believed that it should be equally and publicly respectful to all.

“Nehru felt that it was the responsibility of the Congress and the government to make the Muslims in India feel secure. Patel, on the other hand was inclined to place the responsibility on the minorities themselves,” (Ref. ‘India after Gandhi’).

Yet, our present PM inaugurated, through a grand celebration, a spectacular media-hyped event—- the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.

One peculiar thing is: the yajmana of such an inauguration has to be present with the wife during the rituals. Where was our PM’s wife? She is abandoned like pregnant Sita was abandoned by misogynist Rama. Moreover, why did we blindly take the PM as the one who opened the temple for the first time, when the photographer who entered the garvagriha (the sanctum sanitorium of the Temple) was the first person to open it??

He has been to many temples before. Has worshipped many Hindu gods under public watch, with the media surrounding him all around.

Can he do that? Does not it invalidate the Constitution?

If that invalidates one of the fundamental postulates of the Constitution, isn’t the PM acting unconstitutionally/anti-constitutionally by offering prayers to Hindu deities?

He is the occupant of a chair that does not derive its validity from any scriptural injunction, but from a Constitution that treats all religions alike, with the state distancing itself intentionally/deliberately from all religious practices equally.

Did he go to all these temples in his “personal capacity”? No, the media reports clearly say that the PM VISITED THE TEMPLES. THE PM INAUGURATED THE TEMPLE.

I heard he even managed to remove the words “secular” and “socialist” from the Preamble when he walked into the New Grandiose Parliament building with a sceptre in his hand, gaining all the media attention and the front pages of the print media?

He supposedly underwent all the necessary rituals as well before the Ayodhya event as per the norms of so-called “Hindu” scriptures. Can he do that as a PM? He clearly cannot. Yet he did.

He also engaged himself in the bhoomi poojan of the Ram Temple much before it came into existence on the dilapidated, vandalized ruins of a centuries old Babri Mosque. Who will pay the price of the blood of the hapless, innocent minorities, who were sacrificed before the altar of the militant, aggressive, hyper-masculine Rama?

Just before the Ram Temple event, he made visits (to make a so-called “Ramayana Trail”!) to:

  1. Kalaram Temple, Maharashtra.

  2. Veerabhadra Temple, Andhra Pradesh.

  3. Guruvayur Temple and Thriprayar Shree Ramaswami Temple, Kerala.

  4. Ranganathaswamy Temple, Tamil Nadu.

And even many more temples previously.

He visited Kedarnath many times: did darshan and pooja publicly, openly.

FIRST OF ALL: According to the Indian Constitution, an incumbent PM cannot promote ANY RELIGION.


The PM clearly gives much relative importance or privilege or prioritize the so-called “Hindu” religion over all others.

That is anti-constitutional at its core, since the constitution preaches “sarvo dharmo samobhava”, equal respect for all religions.

The PM has not at all shed his Sanghi identity, his RSS upbringing, his exclusivist, Islamophobic, Hindutvavadi stance.

He is not at all following another illuminating provision in the Constitution, one of the “Fundamental Duties”:

[It shall be the duty of every citizen of India] To develop scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform. [Article 51A(h)]

Whatever the PM does promotes and preserves useless dogmas, prejudices and superstitions in favour of a particular religion without even coming close to promoting or approximating the spirit of critical inquiry. It is far away from the all-inclusive humanist current of thought.

The Gujarat Files reveal his controversially instrumental role in creating the Gujarat Pogrom in 2002. In 2020, same kind of support from the PM’s party was for the Delhi Pogrom cum ethnic “cleansing”!

Shouldn’t he step down from his Constitutionally ordained post after all such gross, open-to-the-view violations of the core principles of the Constitution?

It is found that the Sangh Parivar of our PM has long been wanting to replace the Constitution of India with the Manusmrti or something of that sort that principally goes against the ethos of freedom of religions, conscience, opinion and expression. Thus, it endangers democracy itself. It puts secularism in peril.

Hence, even though the PM has never explicitly attacked the Constitutional principles, he did so with his deeds multiple times. Be it the CAA-NRC-NPR-DPA⤡, which took or mentioned religion alone as the module or criterion to divide citizens and exclude (or rather, expel) certain portions, who belongs to “phoren” religions as per the Sangh’s gaze.

The fun fact is that the PM and his party is promoting an ethnographic, phantasmic, standardized, homogenized, pasteurized, bulldozed Hindutva, they are at the same time going against certain sections of Hindus themselves.

Recent example includes the enraged Sankaracaryas, who refused to visit the “incomplete” Ram temple inauguration.

If we further go back, we will see the Hindus in the whereabouts of the Gyanvapi mosque in Benaras to be quite dissatisfied and pissed at the deeds of the PM’s party, wherein they vandalized the old temples in the area to make way for the spectacular opening of the Vishwanath Dham Corridor. Are the Hindutvavadins themselves going against fellow Hindus???

Do not we remember how the Kashmiri Pandits were angry on the PM’s apathy, indifference and ignorance about their population’s struggle.


Accidental “Deaths” (?) of some Hindutvavadi Activists (Morte accidentale di Hindutvavadi Attivisti)


Islamophobia: The Manufactured Illness of Sick Indian Hindutvavādins

Human Rights Compromised in India under the Oligarchic Regime

These shall continue. Be it the Gyanvapi Mosque, the Mathura Krishna Janmabhoomi project, or the exodus of immigrant minorities. The Char Dham Project of PM’s dreams is a huge environmental disaster in the name of so-called “Development”. Most of us may have forgotten about what happened at Joshimath (the epicentre of chardham), but history won’t forget and forgive it…


Saffronization of Judiciary: An Open-Letter to the Chief Justice of India

King Liar: the pseudology of contemporary Indian politics

None Kept One’s Words: Modiji’s Promises

Oh King, Are you Hearing Impaired? An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of India

I come to praise Modiji…




Nominating Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, for the Ig Nobel Peace Prize: A Letter to the Ig Nobel Prize Board of Governors

Nero’s Dine, Manipur is burning



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