Posted on 06/02/2021
Updated on 14/11/2023 (GMT 10.35)
Dear Sirs/Madams, We are not criminals, we are FD holders of DHFL. We do not deserve such “capital” punishment for the fault of a few with legal conflict (generally referred to as “criminals”). We are not like those super-rich willful defaulters, whose 68k Crore loans are waived by PSU banks. Instead of such annihilation by following Malthusian positive checks, we request you to kindly legalize active euthanasia (government should bear the cost) or we would be compelled to annihilate ourselves in front of the Parliament or the RBI. We shall stand without clothes and enkindle a matchstick after pouring fossil fuel on our bodies with your kind permission. मृत्युमेति नान्यः पन्था विद्यतेऽयनाय॥ (Please listen to this mantra from the Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad. It was sung by Mrs. Sharmila Roy Pommot in Peter Brook’s THE MAHĀBHĀRATA. The audio file is attached herewith.) As we have not achieved पारमार्थिकसत्य, we have no other way but to annihilate ourselves for प्रातिभासिक money-signifier. Please do not treat this mail as any kind of threat or blackmailing. Instead, it is our (all the FD Holders of DHFL) real and ongoing psychosomatic misery reflected in the above discourse. Please pardon us for initiating a non-violent civil disobedience movement following Thoreau and Mahatma Gandhi. We are again humbly apologizing for any unsolicited statements with legal conflicts in the above discursive formation. Yours Faithfully,
Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay
Mrs. Rupa Bandyopadhyay
Mr. Akhar Bandyopadhyay
बहुजनहिताय बहुजनसुखाय च॥
(“For the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”)
śṛṇvantu viśve amṛtasya putrā, Sharmila Roy Pommot from Peter Brook’s play “THE MAHABHARATA”

#DearPiramalIWannabeDefamator #OccupyInternettoOccupyCronies #artofresistanceagainstautocracy #Disarmament #dissentagainstsaffronfascism #FinancialAbuseByRBICoCAjayPiramal #NonViolence #SAVEDHFLFDNCDHOLDERS #DownWithSaffronFascism #AjayPiramalAllegedInsiderTrader #StopPiramalFromAcquiringDHFL #AjayPiramalTheEcoTerrorist #allegeddawoodmirchirkwdhflbjpcollusion #Peace #SeizeCroniesFairplayforDHFLVictims #DHFLScam #dhfl