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Violations Of (A) Animal Rights In The Hindu Shrines, Dairy Farms, Slaughter Houses And (B) Human Ri

Posted on 14/04/2021


This paper is on the devastating condition of the cows and bulls in India despite the fact that the cow is considered as the sacred holy mother of the Hindus. This exploitative condition of the animal is associated with the condition of the human beings (the subjects of the Republic of India) in a metaphorical manner. Psychoanalytic tools are deployed to understand this love-hate relationship with the female body embedded within the high-caste Hindu Brahmins. This aporia is also observed in the reverse sexism of the Hindu worldview.

Sub: Violations Of (A) Animal Rights In The Hindu Shrines, Dairy Farms, Slaughter Houses And (B) Human Rights Through Financial Abuse

Dear ____,

Please find enclosed two hyperlinks of the same document (cf. Box-III) on the violations of Animal Rights as well as Human Rights associated with cows, bulls and humans.

This paper is on the devastating condition of the cows and bulls in India despite the fact that the cow is considered as the sacred holy mother of the Hindus. This exploitative condition of the animal is associated with the condition of the human beings (the supposed subjects of the Republic of India, citizenship is yet to be proved by the tiresome and confusing processes of NPR-NRC-CAA-DPB ⤡ ) in a metaphorical manner. Psychoanalytic tools are deployed to understand this love-hate relationship with the female body embedded within the high-caste Hindu Brahmins. This aporia is also observed in the reverse sexism of the Hindu worldview.

This is the narrative of cruelties against floras and faunas along with humans in summarized form:


A staunch Hindutvavādīn couple with their son are visiting (in a dream state) different Hindu shrines and found conspicuous consumption and ostentatious display of dairy products along with merciless buffalo sacrifices by the Hindus. They are utilized as mere “means-in-themselves” by the Hindutvavādīns.

Requesting for introducing “Uniform Vegan Food Code” for all the Hindus⤡(written in a sarcastic way within the claustrophobic situation of contemporary Indian governmentality.)


The Hindu family has found that the world richest cow-slaughterer is a Hindu. After viewing the dilapidated condition of the dairy farms in India, they are astonished as cows and bulls are severely exploited by artificial milking, repeat breeding and IV fertilization. The farm-owners deprive calves of their mothers’ milk. Even it is alleged here that the imagined nationality of the Hindus are mainly responsible for cruelty against animals. The Hindu family has found that there are deep-rooted contradictions within the community.

They, as victims of financial abuse, are now superimposing themselves with the animals as in India, human rights are also compromised. They are within the animal farm.


Their perception regarding such a catastrophic situation is also subscribed by the recent reports made by two international organizations from the USA and Sweden respectively:


1. India is now only ‘partly free’ under Modi, says report ⤡ (As reported on 3rd March, 2021 © BBC News)

Despite the fact of being the main culprit for the cruelty on animals, Hindu cow-vigilantes (goons) take the law in their own hands—they are brutally murdering Muslim cow-exporters in broad daylight.


The psychoanalyst (school: Non-coercive Psychiatry without imperative) analyzed the dreams with following keywords:

Aporia, decidable undecidable, undecidable decidable, contradictory uncontradictions, uncontradictory contradictions, reverse-sexism, liminal ritual, homo hierarchicus, weaning complex, narcissistic injury/blow/wound Narcissistic rage, onanism, jouissance, hyperreal, ritualization, commodification, Theta/θ-Role and Criterion (Goal, Source, Benefactive), hysterization, fragmented body in mirror-stage, sacred grooves, iso-corporeals, imago, collective unconscious, imaginary order, childhood configuration, Oedipus Complex, Electra Complex, Yayati and Babur Complex, castration complex, eros and thanatos, genealogical fantasy, Oresteian dream, regicide, oligarchy, representation.

Last of all, they, the Hindu divided family, show their ailing state: “We are crying by venting out our anger against Hindutvavādī SA(VA)GE CAPITALISM!”

They have taken their recourse to biological regression as they think there is no geographical space for escaping from such atrocities.

Please find the full narrative of the above summarized form in either of these two hyperlinks:


Kindly see also our letter to the President, the Republic of India, regarding the aforementioned matter:

This is to request you to kindly look into the matter in the context of India’s (a) catastrophic climatic ecosystem; (b) devastating financial ecosystem (though the term, “financial ecosystem” suffers from “fallacy of misplaced concreteness”).

We, the undersigned, solemnly declare that we are homo sapiens sapiens earthian species-beings, i.e.,we do not belong to any religious or ethnic group or jingoistic community.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay

Mrs. Rupa Bandyopadhyay

Mr. Akhar Bandyopadhyay

बहुजनहिताय बहुजनसुखाय च॥

“For the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”


बहुजनहिताय बहुजनसुखाय च॥
(“For the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”)

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