Posted on 28th July, 2022
License: CC BY 4.0
This paper-letter aims to sarcastically subvert the ideological standpoint of the Sangh Parivar by revealing the inherent inconsistencies or uncontradictory contradictions in their efforts to consolidate a standardized, homogenized and pasteurized Hindu rashtra of India or Akhand Hindustan. In doing so, it explores the crisis of the so-called “Indian standard time” and the problems of the solar and lunar almanacs followed within the supposed Hindu de-signatum. The authors of this paper-letter have methodologically taken the guise of Hindutvavadins in order to launch a non-violent yet militant deconstructive attack upon the foundations of the Hindutva ideology itself under the plutocratic regime. In the course of this paper-letter, the authors have brought under notice the notion of the imagined geography of Akhand Bharat, a historical apriori.

#ReligiousFundamentalism #VedicAstrology #EarlyModernAlmanacs #BenedictAnderson #Hinduism #HinduPhilosophy #IndianStandardTime #HindutvaTerrorism #SanghParivar #CentralAsiaandIndicstudies #Almanacs #HinduStudies #SpaceandTimePhilosophy #HinduNationalisminModernIndia #IndianCulture #HindutvaNationalism #Deconstruction #Hindutva #ReligiousExtremism #AncientAstronomy