Posted on 26/07/2023 (GMT 16:10 hrs)
Mr. Ajay Piramal’s legal team, DSK Legal, in continuation to their previous defamation case (refer to the URLs at the end of this article), sent the following mail to some of the DHFL victims on 24.07.2023:

In reply to the above, one of the DHFL victims wrote the following letter:

Sub: Requesting for providing T.A. and Good Hospitality for Attending Court Proceedings
Dear DSK Legal Team,
Thank you for your kind invitation to attend the listing of Suit (L) No. 1227 of 2023 Piramal Capital & Anr. v. Unknown Defendant No.1 & Ors.
However, your plaintiff/client, an alleged insider trader and eco-terrorist⤡, has made me a pauper in connection with the DHFL scam⤡ ⤡, making it impossible for me to physically attend the said judicial event on 9th August, 2023. Furthermore, I am suffering from multiple psychosomatic and anxiety disorders due to your client’s financial abuse.
I might be able to visit if your client provides me with the T.A. (Air) and good hospitality along with the necessary medical aids. His self-proclaimed philanthropic predisposition might have a good application in this context.
I am also feeling insecure since I cannot fathom how Radhanath Swami⤡’s most ardent disciple⤡ would cause any kind of negative repercussions in my life! With regard to my physical presence in the Honourable Bombay High Court, I will be also uncomfortable and claustrophobic in the gangster/bankster-infested city of Mumbai (where the ‘Himalayan Guru’⤡ controlled the Indian stock market, which is, moreover, controlled by the shadow economy) after hearing “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil Jeena Yahan”⤡, keeping in mind the warning: “ज़रा हट के ज़रा बच के ये है बॉम्बे मेरी जान!”
I am earnestly requesting you to sign the following petition to help the innocent victims (who are suffering from “capital” punishment without committing any crime) of a politically manipulated scam:
Hope that you would duly entertain my claim.
Thanking you in sheer anticipation,
Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay