Posted on 03/01/2024 (GMT 15: 45 hrs)
This presentation explores the political collusion/nexus amidst Mr. Ajay Piramal and the current ruling party of India, i.e., the BJP.
It talks of possible “quid pro quo” in the cases of the Flashnet Scam (2018) and DHFL Scam (2019—).
THE PDF (Downloadable) VERSION OF THE POWERPOINT (If there is a viewing difficulty through the above link):
#DearPiramalIWannabeDefamator #OccupyInternettoOccupyCronies #artofresistanceagainstautocracy #dissentagainstsaffronfascism #FinancialAbuseByRBICoCAjayPiramal #SAVEDHFLFDNCDHOLDERS #DownWithSaffronFascism #AjayPiramalAllegedInsiderTrader #StopPiramalFromAcquiringDHFL #AjayPiramalTheEcoTerrorist #allegeddawoodmirchirkwdhflbjpcollusion #SeizeCroniesFairplayforDHFLVictims #DHFLScam #DearAjayPiramalIwannabearrested #dhfl