Posted 27/12/2022
Marc Abrahams,
The Editor,
Improbable Research
David Kessler,
The General Manager,
Improbable Research
Sub: Nominating Dr. M. M. Bajaj, Dr. Syed Ibrahim and Dr. Vijayraj Singh for the Ig Nobel Prize in Psychology
Dear Sirs,
It is to kindly request you to award Dr. Madan Mohan Bajaj⤡, Dr. Syed Ibrahim⤡ and Dr. Vijayraj Singh⤡ (The “BIS” or Bajaj-Ibrahim-Singh trio) the Ig Nobel Prize in Psychology for their paradigm-shifting contribution in discovering the causal relation between the pain waves felt by the bovine species in slaughterhouses and the occurrence of earthquakes or seismic plate movements under their revolutionary neologism of “Einsteinian Pain Waves” (EPW) in the context of the Hindu Bharat/India, the citizens of which consider the holy cow as their mother. Even the Hindu citizens prefer to consume the cow urine or cow dung for their medicinal properties in healing or curing any type of disease.
This hypothetical claim can be studied from the following pathbreaking paper:
(Publisher: The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene; Editor: Nemi Chand Jain; ISBN: 8185760349)
Please refer to the following hyperlinked sources for detailed information:
“Physicists M M Bajaj, Ibrahim and Vijayraj Singh have proposed the theory that animal slaughter and natural calamities like earthquakes have an interrelationship… The theory examines the complex role of nociceptive waves (or the waves generated by the animals on the verge of being butchered) in shearwave splitting which is related to seismic anisotropy… The daily butchering of thousands of animals continually for several years generates acoustic anisotropy due to Einsteinian Pain Waves (EPW) emitted by dying animals.” Emotions To Earthquakes, Einstein Waves: A Govt Body’s Cattle Class VIEW HERE⤡ (As reported on January 7, 2021 ©The Indian Express) [Kindly note that the Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog⤡, India, uploaded on its website a 54-page reference material for the Kamdhenu Gau-Vigyan Prachar-Prasar Examination⤡ (The term “Gau-vigyan” means “Cow-Science”), that was to be held on February 25, 2021, after a mock test that was scheduled on February 21, 2021. This reference material is not available now, though the material would help candidates “get maximum awareness about Kamdhenu Gau-Vigyan”. However, the central government has postponed the Cow Science Exam 2021 due to criticism by many organizations and “technical glitch”. ⤡ ⤡ ⤡ ⤡]
New theory says build up of pain waves from dying animals can cause quakes: Geologists will laugh, but hypothesis holds weight VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 3rd December, 2018 ©Firstpost)
Einstein’s ‘Pain Wave Theory’ and its correlation with earthquakes: A reality check VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 29th April, 2015 ©blastingnews)
Devastating impact of Frequency of Pain VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 4th December, 2018 ©Garhwal Post)
Dr. Madan Mohan Bajaj is not an animal welfare activist VIEW HERE ⤡
The three scientists deserve the Ig Nobel in Psychology since they are claiming that the inherent emotional pain felt by the soon-to-be-butchered cows generates certain pain wave patterns that consequently lead to the seismic movements, causing earthquakes. Hence, the origin being psychic in its nature, the concerned prize should be in Psychology itself.
Although it can also be urged that the entire project of Einsteinian Pain Waves (EPW) is a study in Biology as well. It is a convergence of many scientific disciplines, including Physics and Geology as well.
For more information on this matter, we would like to suggest the article: THE MILKY WAY: THE NON CONTRADICTORY CONTRADICTIONS OF THE HINDUS ON THE HOLY COW THE MOTHER (GOMĀTĀ) VIEW HERE ⤡
Considering the above enunciation on the “BIS” trio and their notion of Einsteinian Pain Waves (EPW), we sincerely hope that our nomination will be accordingly entertained by the Board of Governors of the Ig Nobel Prize Committee.
By the same logic, the pains of ailing human beings, living in a partly free country, viz., India, can also be responsible for toppling down the autocratic sceptre.

Thanking you in anticipation,
Hypothetically Yours,
Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay
Mrs. Rupa Bandyopadhyay
Mr. Akhar Bandyopadhyay
