Posted on 01/04/2023 (IST 01:20 hrs)
We are happy to inform you, fellow DHFL Victims, that our voices have been heard and we have hit the bull’s eye at the right place and at the right time. We have proved that the web-based non-violent civil disobedience movement by very few DHFL victims has made its impact on the target authority.
The Piramal Capital and Housing Finance Limited (PCHFL) has reportedly suffered a huge loss of Rupees One Hundred Crores due to this very upheaval on the internet.
Let us start at the very beginning.
On the 31st of March, 2023 (IST 17:10 hrs), we received an email from a Legal Firm (DSK Legal) representing Piramal CHFL, which is being produced as follows:
March 31, 2023
1. Unknown Defendant No.1
a.k.a. Ravi Pratap Singh a.k.a. Ravi Singh
Twitter Ids: @Ravipratap66 @Ravipratap333 @Ravipratap1111
Instagram Id: ravipratap11221122
2. Unknown Defendant No.2
a.k.a. MR S.R.PAL C.A.I.I.B & EX- BANKER,
Twitter Id: @BandanaMrs.
3. Unknown Defendant No.3
a.k.a. MRoy
Twitter Id: @MRoy
Email Id:
4. Unknown Defendant No.4
a.k.a. Amit Kumar
Age: Unknown, Address: Unknown,
Twitter Id: @AmitKum95654768
5. Unknown Defendant No.5
a.k.a. Ashish
Age: Unknown, Address: Unknown,
Twitter Id: @ashishlinux
Email id:
6. Unknown Defendant No.6
a.k.a. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay
Age: Unknown, Address: Unknown,
Twitter Id: @@anekanta01
Email id:
7. Twitter Inc.
Defendant No.7
1355 Market Street Suite,
900 San Francisco,
CA 94103 USA
Email id:
8. Meta Platforms Inc.
Defendant No. 8
1601 Willow Road,
Menlo Park,
California 94 025
Email Id:
9. Facebook India Online Services Pvt. Ltd.
Defendant No. 9
Unit Nos. 1203 & 1204,
Level 12, Building No. 20,
Raheja Mindspace, Cyberabad, Madhapur,
Hitech City, Hyderabad- 500 081.
10. LinkedIn Corporation
Defendant No. 10
1000 West Maude Avenue Sunnyvale,
CA 94085 USA
Fourth Floor, North Avenue,
3 Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051.
11. LinkedIn Technology Information Pvt. Ltd.
Defendant No.11
16A/20, Wea Main Ajmal Khan Road,
Karol Baugh, New Delhi – 110005.
SUB: In the High Court of Judicature at Bombay
Ordinary Original Civil Jurisdiction
Interim Application (L) No. 1231 of 2023
Suit (L) No. 1227 of 2023
Piramal Capital & Hsg. Finance Ltd. & Anr. … Plaintiffs
Unknown Defendant No.1 & Ors. … Defendants
We are concerned for Our Clients, the Plaintiffs in the captioned proceedings.
Please use the link below to access the scanned copy of the Plaint and Interim Application filed on behalf of the Plaintiffs in the captioned proceedings, as and by way of service upon you.
Further, please note that vide Order dated March 1, 2023 (attached hereto), more particularly with reference to Clause 14 (iii) of the said order, “Defendant Nos. 1 to 6 are injuncted from uploading defamatory posts which are of like nature to the defamatory posts annexed at Exh. E to L to the Plaint and Exh. A to F of the additional Affidavit.”
Additionally, we also request you to provide us with your full address for communication to implead the same in the captioned matter.
Yours Truly,
DSK Legal
Advocates for the Plaintiffs
As attachments, we found the following two PDFs containing application and order by the court of law, which are given as follows:
We are feeling proud that our names have been put as “Defendants” along with Twitter, Facebook (Headquarters and Facebook India) and Linkedin (Headquarters and Linkedin India).
We have been accused for “defaming” PCHFL with false allegations and damaged their reputation.

3. Piramal CHFL has accused @anekanta01 twitter profile for:

4. In the order (given above), it has been stated:

It is clear from the above enunciation that the all-out attack through the social media platforms that our target group is afraid and threatened by our activities of resistance. People who are sceptic about the role of web-based civil disobedience movement stand disproved.
We are not afraid, we are not afraid,
We are not afraid today;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We are not afraid today.
The web-sceptics do not know that empires can fall due to social media campaigns. Our posts/tweets/posters/comments etc., were not evidently “thrown away” into the dustbin.
It remains to be viewed what further developments we could witness in this context, given that our non-violent attacks have bled the root cause(s) of our sufferings at each and every place of its corporate corporeal. The web-sceptics are unaware of the Personal Data Privacy/Data Protection Bill⤡ ⤡, that is being used secretly (before being enacted) in India to keep surveillance (especially through cyber-means) upon the dissenters against fascism. Each and every datum of every individual citizen of India is being stored in the archives of the Government-Corporate conglomerate. Even Justice BN Srikrishna has affirmed the following:
Personal Data Protection Bill can turn India into ‘Orwellian State’: Justice BN Srikrishna VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 12th December 2019, © The Economic Times)
It is obvious to say that “Freedom of Press” in India is appropriated and approximated by the crony government for reaping benefits for itself and its close friends like Adani-Ambani-Piramal!
In the context of the cyber era, could the government block the projection of “India: the Modi Question”? Could it stop the discussions on Adani-Hindenburg issue? Could it suppress the voice of the farmers and protestors against the CAA-NRC-NPR? Could it stop George Soros’ statement, V-Dem’s reports, Freedom House’s findings — from finding expression throughout the globe? A BIG NO.

BJP and Piramal are afraid: suppression of OBMA’s online activism!