Posted on 28/02/2023
Mr. Ajay Gopikisan Piramal,
The de facto Owner,
Piramal CHF aka Piramal Finance aka DHFL
Sub: Greetings to Mr. Ajay Piramal: the “Successful Owner” of the DHFL aka PCHFL aka Piramal Finance
Dear Mr. Piramal,
We have learnt many things from you, especially the occupation of the Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Limited (DHFL), which was more than laudable. As we want to become business tycoons like you, as you are our idol, we are following your footsteps in the same manner depicted below:
1. You had predicted one or two bankruptcies in the NBFC sector a day before (28/01/2019) the Cobrapost findings on the DHFL (29/01/2019). Your astrological brilliance disproves those who falsely believe that astrology is a pseudo-scientific enterprise.
2. When the NCLT first order (19/05/2021) went against your cherished acquisition of DHFL, you stormed to the NCLAT to get the order revoked within a few days (25/05/2021). Incredible achievement as an Indian citizen, quite obviously! Thus, Piramal is more equal than the other 98%!VIEW HERE ⤡
3. When NCLAT found flaws (27/01/2022) in the CoC resolution process with the serious accusation of the process being:
a. Contrary to law
b. Irregular in nature
You, as a privileged citizen of India, went to the Supreme Court of India (01/03/2022) and got the NCLAT second order stayed within a month or two (11/04/2022).
5. Without bothering about the existing legal superstructure or the due legal process, you have constantly claimed yourself to be the owner of the DHFL while the issue, quite apparently, is still under adjudication (sub judice). Your courage is really appreciable!
However, we are dumbfounded to note that you are now obeying the “illegal” RBI-appointed CoC’s approval of your RP. You are clearly trespassing the threshold of DHFL (possibly/allegedly) with the unceasing alleged aid of the ruling party. Although you had ignored the aforementioned NCLT first order and NCLAT second order, yet you have hurriedly ran to the NCLT, a quasi-judicial body and the SC in order to revert back the said orders on account of your displeasure arising thereof.
Thus, you have committed contempt of court on two occasions, viz., by disobeying the NCLT order to answer it within 10 days and did not also pay any heed to the NCLAT’s observations on the RP. Even you have given a gigantic leap by not going to the High Court first, before approaching the apex judicial platform.
We wish to learn all these magical tricks or chamatkari from you, which have made you an ethically noble, philanthropic, altruistic businessperson. You do deserve the honorary CBE, which you have received after all! We are so inspired and motivated by you that we will certainly advise our progeny to make you their sole role-model. We have also suggested that they should write about your incredible achievements when they are asked to write an essay on “The aim of my life” as part of their curriculum.
Just out of general curiosity, we would further like to ask a few more questions:
· What will happen if it gets proved that the RBI-appointed CoC’s approved RP contains many serious loopholes (“contrary to law” and “irregularities” as pointed out by the NCLAT, cited previously)?
· If that illegal CoC has approved your RP full of irregularities and that very RP is thereby “contrary to law”, how can it be possible for you to bypass those allegations by citing the Section 32A of the IBC⤡? The fact is that the IBC itself is faulty and fallacious (owing to which it has been amended multiple times), e.g., overlooking Section 66 of the IBC act⤡.
· Why do you even care to form a counsel to defend your company’s so-called “acquisition” of the DHFL before the Hon’ble Supreme Court bench if you are already the well-established, successful owner of the DHFL, as you claim to be? Is it not paradoxical enough? Are you afraid of something all of a sudden (like Mr. Gautam Adani after the recently published Hindenburg Report⤡)?
However, who will bell the cat, i.e., the cause(s)/reason(s) of the miseries being suffered by us, the DHFL Victims? After all, we are the inhabitants of a country, whose judicial, administrative and bureaucratic systems are filled with the poison of corruption at every level of the hierarchy.
This entire story, which maybe a nightmarish horror story for thousands of the FD and NCD holders of DHFL, is after all a boon from Śrī Kṛṣṇa for you⤡, accompanied by the blessings from your two revered gurus, Parama Pūjya Sri Sri Radhanath Swami⤡ and Bhāiśrī Ramesh Bhāi Ojha⤡! It again proves that you are more equal than the other 98%! ⤡
After going through the three bestselling novels on “banksters” (banking gangsters, a neologism) by Ravi Subramanian, we are really petrified about the banking system of India. Consequently, we also came to watch the well-acclaimed Hollywood movie “The International” (2009), which made our blood pressure shoot up even more.
Subsequently, we got hold of the four following books:
The book concerns itself with the management of the bureaucratic itching palms. The book depicts the legitimacy of so-called “unfair” deals that support cons to heal the itching palms of the bureaucratic hierarchy to reach the goal according to the donor’s wish.
The book focuses on the narrative of the competing corporations, especially the DHFL scam. The DHFL is a solvent, ongoing concern, but the competitors had made it insolvent by hooks and crooks. The inner conflict of sa(va)ge capitalism is revealed by providing 101 tips to bog down a profitable company to soothe nerves of politically favoured corporations. So, if anyone follows these 101 tips, they can easily bypass the Hindenburg financial scandal.
This book has to be consulted in combination with the previous books, since it highlights the tips and tricks to manipulate the audit book in order to forcibly capture any company with the help of the political will. Hence, this book serves as the guide book to present as well as the future corporate tycoons (Cf. Point 14 of A WHITE PAPER ON THE DEWAN HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION LTD. (DHFL) VIEW HERE ⤡).
This book, though thematically similar to the previously cited “101 tips…”, deals with the Kafkaesque involved in the existential crisis within the realm of crony and monopoly capitalism⤡, where more and more companies are engulfed by one or two corporate-stars like predator insects, living off the almost dead, cadaver-like common masses. The whole narrative takes cue from the narrative of Gregor Samsa as depicted in the world-renowned short-story “The Metamorphosis” and Mr. Joseph K.’s trial in the novel “The Trial”, both being written by Franz Kafka.
Undoubtedly, the above four books helped us a lot. These four books tell us that, analogically speaking, instead of evading taxes, how one can avoid giving income tax. In the same way, we have learnt the management of tampering with the audit, occupying a company without bothering about hierarchy of the vigilant gatekeepers (though you yourself take the help of those quasi-judicial bodies and the apex court at the time of crisis). The help of the RBI and the RBI-appointed CoC are also to be highly appreciated as the roles played by them as beneficiaries for your goal to achieve the ownership of the DHFL.
If you think that the RP is the supreme blueprint for acquiring the DHFL, why did you have to go to the NCLAT and the SC? It seems to us that the total scenario is full of uncontradictory contradictions. This type of aporia is only possible under the plutocracy.
Thus, your RP, as sanctioned by the RBI-appointed CoC, is the last word in the acquisition of the DHFL. Long Live the RBI-appointed CoC! As “the King can do no wrong”, down with those criminal FD-NCD holders of the DHFL!
Interestingly, we have bought the second edition of the first of the four books, where we were presented with two great products manufactured by your Pharmaceutical company, i.e., Piramal Pharma, viz., Tetmosol and Lacto Calamine, as free gifts. These might help us to relieve ourselves from the agony of dermato-cardiological problems.
Hence, we, the DHFL victims, greet you for your successful occupation of the DHFL by means of your political connections and kinship privileges.
Best, Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay
Mrs. Rupa Bandyopadhyay
Mr. Akhar Bandyopadhyay
A Victimized Family of Bewildered, Beleaguered, Perplexed, Anguished, Anxious, Hapless, Helpless and Ailing DHFL FD Holders
बहुजनहिताय बहुजनसुखाय च॥
(“For the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”)
