This journal tries to demolish the administrative boundaries of academic disciplinary technology by amalgamating all the so-called “subjects” by condemning the objectification, subjectification and subjection. It strives to reach the vanishing point of theory and praxis. Thus, instead of so-called “inter-disciplinary studies”, it emphasizes on the convergence of earthian knowledges and praxiologies. The journal attempts to achieve this end by means of dialogue without manipulation in the context of a participatory, local-resource based, low-energy efficient, small-scale, self-reliant, partyless, moneyless, decentralized democracy. As this journal is against the academiocratic elitism and patron-client relationship, it maintains the Copyleft Writers’ Movement and follows the Creative Commons License.
1. This journal accepts:
a) Any type of text (including multimedia presentation, videos, powerpoints, written materials etc.);
b) The topic on suffering of the earthians (humans and non-humans) and the possible remedies to the same;
c) The text can be in any language with English abstract.
2. In the case of stylesheet, this journal generally follows MLA⤡. However, in the case of available documents on the internet, the following style should be followed:
TITLE OF DOCUMENT VIEW HERE ⤡ (the hyperlink to the text is to be pasted here)
Followed by
(As reported or published on … [date] © [Name of the Publisher])
Taken together, the hyperlink should look like the following:
Not guilty: Socrates narrowly acquitted 2,400 years after death VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 26th May, 2012 ©RT Question More)
#buddha #InterdisciplinaryStudies #ParticipatoryDemocracy #Gandhism #Anekantavada #animalsuffering #Agriculture #Epistemology #AnarchoSyndicalism #animalrights #SiddharthaGautama #PhilosophyofScience #HumanRights #MoneylessSociety #PartylessSociety #Schumacher #humansuffering #Finance #Ethics #Forest #Decentralization