Posted on 31st August, 2023 (GMT 12:35 hrs)
Updated on 2nd September, 2023 (GMT 19:01 hrs)
The travellers spread their mats on the ground under the banyan tree.
A gust of wind blows out the lamp and the darkness deepens like a sleep into a swoon.
Someone from the crowd suddenly stands up and pointing to the leader with merciless finger breaks out:
‘False prophet, thou hast deceived us!’
Others take up the cry one by one, women hiss their hatred and men growl.
At last one bolder than others suddenly deals him a blow.
They cannot see his face, but fall upon him in a fury of destruction and hit him till he lies prone upon the ground his life extinct.
The night is still, the sound of the distant waterfall comes muffled and a faint breath of jasmine floats in the air.
THE PILGRIMS are afraid.
The woman begins to cry, the men in an agony of wretchedness shout at them to stop.
Dogs break out barking and are cruelly whipped into silence broken by moans.
The night seems endless and men and women begin to wrangle as to who among them was to blame.
They shriek and shout and as they are ready to unsheathe their knives the darkness pales, the morning light overflows the mountain tops.
Suddenly they become still and gasp for breath as they gaze at the figure lying dead.
The women sob out loud and men hide their faces in their hands.
A few try to slink away unnoticed,
but their crime keeps them chained to their victim.
They ask each other in bewilderment,
‘Who will show us the path?’
The old man from the East bends his head and says:
‘The Victim.’
They sit still and silent.
Again speaks the old man,
‘We refused him in doubt, we killed him in anger, now we shall accept him in love,
for in his death he lives in the life of us all, the great Victim.’
And they all stand up and mingle their voices and sing,
‘Victory to the Victim.’
Rabindranath Tagore, “The Child” (1930)
We wish to inform you, the DHFL victims, about a recent occurrence:
On Tuesday (29/08/2023), two persons came to my residence for the cause of DHFL. They were led by one of our best well-wishers, Mr. Him Suman Sarkar. The first person’s name is Mr. Abhik Dasgupta (Facebook Profile URL: But the woman who accompanied him refused to reveal her identity. They spent almost three hours to understand DHFL scam and the Once in a Blue Moon Academia (OBMA) movement without being active on that website or associated portals. After three hours, he had spoiled our time without performing (i.e., being an active part of the web-based movement) anything substantial. Mr. Abhik Dasgupta repeatedly mentioned the name of Mr. Partha Biswas, who had initially associated with us and then shunned off our movement out of sheer dread or apprehended fear of “legal hazards”.


The following are some of the screenshots from our CCTV footage on the day of 29th August, 2023. The person at the bottom-left is Mr. Abhik Dasgupta. The woman sitting beside him is the person with an unknown identity.

Today, Mr. Abhik Dasgupta called me on o2:45 pm and used certain Bangla abusive words against our family. Our family has never heard such abominable words from anyone except Mr. Partha Biswas (Residential Address: 70/24 S.C. Chatterjee street, Konnagar M, Hooghly, West Bengal 712235; Email ID: and Mr. Abhik Dasgupta (residing at Patuli area of Kolkata). We cannot tolerate those unfounded allegations and abusive language. One might ask that why on earth would he be doing the same at all. It is in response to my constant requests to him for participating in the movement. His allegations are as follows:
My family is “420”, i.e., a cheat or deceiver or dishonest that comes under the IPC 420.
We are taking money for the cause of personal benefits.
We have a definite political aim and we are imposing that ideology on others.
We have no supporters in this movement. This movement is of no use.
Please note Mr. Dasgupta’s cell number and be aware of such trouble-making, dissociative, exclusivist, divisive elements in our collectively grounded web-based movement against Saffron Fascism that has caused the DHFL scam in the first place: +919830446758.
Also note Mr. Partha Biswas’ cell numbers, the main instigator (deus ex machina) behind this incident: +917604078813, +917044071707.
We have already appealed to you, the DHFL victims, against such lumpen elements, installed by the invisible hands, to divide our movement. See the article below:
We are yet again appealing to you, dear DHFL victims, for your kind support in this type of unexpected, unwanted, distracting issues created chiefly by three persons: apart from Mr. Dasgupta and Mr. Biswas, Mr. Ishan Chakravarthy (the self-proclaimed national-convener of DHFL FD Group; Cell No.s: +919975531590, +918448791605, +919962426398; Gmail ID: also plays a key role in creating hazardous circumstances within the movement.
If any such further hazards (bullying, cursing/abusing and harassment) are made by such persons, we shall be forced to take necessary suitable action with all the records against the persons.
Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay
Rupa Bandyopadhyay
Akhar Bandyopadhyay
We must remember, UNITY IS STRENGTH.