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An Open Resignation Letter to the Jyotirvigyani Radhagobinda Chandra Vigyan Chakra, Paschim Banga Vi

Posted on 20/06/2022

Updated on 08/08/2022


The President,

Paschimbanga Vigyan Mancha

Sub: Appeal for resigning as the members of Jyotirvigyani Radhagobinda Chandra Vigyan Chakra, under North 24-Parganas District Committee, for distancing ourselves from the hypocritical official “Red”

Dear Sir,

We hereby resign from the membership of the Jyotirvigyani Radhagobinda Chandra Vigyan Chakra, under North 24-Parganas District Committee, with immediate effect.

We know that as RSS is not de jure BJP, Paschimbanga Vigyan Mancha is also not de jure CPI(M). We are therefore concerned about the de facto relationship of these two regimented parties.

We must admit that we are subscribing to the ideas of non-violent partyless society and decentralized green economy, both of which are the polar opposites to the guiding principles of these two parties.

The reasons for our resignation are divided into two parts:

A. The inactivities of Jyotirvigyani Radhagobinda Chandra Vigyan Chakra (henceforth JRCVC) in three typical cases;

B. The present ideological position of the CPI(M).

A) 1. JRCVC did not take any action when a puja was organized by blocking the road in Ward No. 34, Baranagar Municipality, by hindering emergency services. Even two members of Vigyan Mancha had actively participated and organized the said puja.

A) 2. We also found that they do not even know the rules against cutting down a tree within personal, residential premises. When we, the undersigned, pointed out the criminal act, some JRCVC members, to our utter surprise, defended the tree-choppers. They, including the Ward Councillor Sri Sisir Bhattacharya (a CPIM member), are also reluctant to learn the legal sanctions prohibiting such acts of cutting tree.

A) 3. When some Bengali priests (sponsored by the RSS) had organized filthy holy-thread ceremony within Ward No. 34 beside the bank of the Hooghly River, none of the JRCVC members even cared to protest against this overt casteist practice promoting homo hierarchicus.

After noticing such sheer apathy on the part of the JRCVC members, we had understood that they are only interested in some pop-programmes in order to garner electoral support without being at all concerned about mitigating the crises arising from anthropogenic glocal heating and unbounded religious extremism.

B. We are not going to reiterate here the long history of the CPI(M) characterized by manipulation, suppression of dissent, violent deeds and hypocritical stances (that include the Marichjhanpi refugee killings; killing of Farmers in Naxalbari; damn lies spread in the name of the then CM Prafulla Sen; Singur-Nandigram atrocities; Bantala event; burning of Ananda Margis; the close relationship of the party with the far-right Jan Sangh in the 1980s, CPM supporting the election of Tapan Sikdar of the BJP by deploying “scientific rigging”; initiating SEZ at West Bengal; adopting the PPP model; handing over the CESC to the RPG; Bengal Lamp Scam; the famous patron-client relationship in the field of academic recruitments and promotions, popularly known as ‘Anilayan’, i.e. late Com. Anil Biswas along with Com. Swapan Pramanik, who were allegedly controlling the academiocracy; even the then BJP candidate of Barrackpore, Mr. Arjun Singh consulted Mr. Tarit Topdar, CPIM to learn about scientific rigging, Mr. Rupchand Pal and Mr. Lakshman Seth’s RAF that deployed coercive measures for winning votes, and so on and so forth!) spread over several decades. However, we are selectively pointing out here some of the recent occurrences and policies that defeat the very ethos of Marx and his many spectres.

Strange! CPIM is for privatization and against trade-unionism! Then what is wrong with other political parties, who are encouraging the free, unhindered flow of private capital?

We really love the expression of art and culture in any part of the world. However, we don’t want to utilize such cultural heritage for the sake of filthy, narrow political gains or vote-politics in the context of the crony capitalist society. Here, the CPM is using temple festival as a mere means, not as an end-in-itself.

B.3.b) Kerala Police detains people protesting K-Rail Silver Line project VIEW HERE (As reported on March 18, 2022 ©Deccan Herald)

When the BJP is determined to move forward with the Bullet Train project, i.e., promoting speed-capitalism by raping the natural world, CPM is simply mirroring or aping them by introducing the anti-green “K-Rail”! It is just like their ridiculous Ayodhya Hill Hydroelectricity Project, masterminded by the then Minister Shankar Sen.

View it on

As the regimented CPM is mirroring the BJP, they are also consulting the BJP for proceeding with their “developmental” projects, which are funded by World Bank-IMF-WTO. Thus, the BJP is now the advisor of a so-called “Communist” Party!

The Trade Union of the CPM, viz., CITU, did not bother to consult the workers of the tea-gardens before agreeing to the anti-green Airport plan. CITU did not take any consent whatsoever from the workers before signing the relevant contractual documents.

It is also to be remembered that the CPM withdrew their support to the UPA government in 2008 for the reason of the India–United States Civil Nuclear Agreement (2005).

Left withdraws support to UPA govt VIEW HERE (As reported on 8th July, 2008 ©Times of India)

A Communist Party is compromising with religious practices to gain votes. How can we distinguish between the conducts of the two regimented parties, CPIM and BJP if they play their political game by employing the very same religious card?

How could many “historical mistakes” be committed by the official Communist Party? How many more?

Despite the fact that Kerala is the happiest state in India, they are debt-ridden. However, the CPM party’s wealth is a staggering 569.519 crore⤡ (BJP declared 4,847.78 cr. worth of assets) as on 2021!

N.B. Both the regimented parties are reluctant to accept RTI as they are not “public authorities”!

Kerala police, led by the CPM-coalition, has forcefully obstructed the CAA-NPR-NRC movement in the state and also has hindered the voices of dissent against the Bulldozer Politics of the UP-BJP Government.

How can one draw points of differentiation amidst Abhishek-Rujira Banerjee (of the AITC) Gold-Smuggling (Alleged) case and the Kerala Gold Smuggling by the CM and his coterie themselves?

After analysing such a situation, keeping in mind the future of our progeny, we cannot submit to such a hypocritical party and its sub-organs. Many more instances can also be added but enough is enough—we don’t want to stain ourselves by associating with such a con-party. Therefore, we are resigning from this teeny and inactive organization. It does not matter whether the apex body of the Vigyan Mancha would accept our resignation or not. After viewing almost all the parties’ programmes, we have come to the conclusion that X party=Y Party=Z Party… Their declared ideologies are merely for masking the devil that lurks within themselves. Therefore, we are shifting our attention from the incessant “will-to-power” to the virtue of “will-to-suffer” and to avoid “dirty hands”.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay

Mrs. Rupa Bandyopadhyay

Mr. Akhar Bandyopadhyay

बहुजनहिताय बहुजनसुखाय च॥

(“For the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”)

Letter 2

Dated: 26/06/22

Dear comrades,

Kindly omit the name of our beloved father, father-in-law and grandfather late Sadhan Prasad Banerjee, from Sadhan Banerji Vijnan Sabha under Jyotirvijnani Radhagobinda Candra Vijnan Cakra. Due to some unavoidable reasons, we, the inheritors of late Sadhan Banerji’s ethos, are earnestly requesting you to delete his name as soon as possible.


Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay

Mrs. Rupa Bandyopadhyay

Mr. Akhar Bandyopadhyay

Letter 3

Dated 08/08/2022

Dear all,

The higher authorities of Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha (sic as romanization of the name is erroneous),

Despite the facts that

(a) we have submitted our open resignation letter (20/06/2022);

(b) we have requested to drop our late relative’s name from the sabha (26/06/2022) through an e-mail, but you have not responded till date.

This entails your failure and ungently behaviour of your esteemed hierarchical organisation.

At a time when:

(i) one can file nomination for fighting in elections through WhatsApp;

(ii) Voteguru PK is showing his excellence by using digital platforms for manufacturing the consent of the target population; we know very well that you are not accustomed with the techne of the new and successful digital civil disobedience movements around the globe, including the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Arab Spring uprising.

We therefore again request you to kindly omit our late relative’s name from your vertical election-centric organization within fifteen days from the dispatching date of this e-letter. If our appeal is not entertained at all, we are likely to take legal action in this regard.


Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay

Mrs. Rupa Bandyopadhyay

Mr. Akhar Bandyopadhyay


बहुजनहिताय बहुजनसुखाय च॥
(“For the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”)

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