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Posted on 30/05/2023 (GMT 18:16 hrs)

Updated on 02/09/2023 (GMT 19:03 hrs)

ॐ सह नाववतु । सह नौ भुनक्तु । सह वीर्यं करवावहै । तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om, Together may we two Move Together may we two Relish, Together may we perform with Vigour May what has been Studied by us be filled with the Brilliance; May it Not give rise to Hostility. Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Me and my family are really disturbed by some rumours against us. A Bengali man from Mumbai, a self-proclaimed (ex-?) “National Convenor of DHFL FD-Holders “, a pathological liar, is in collusion with one Bengali agent are spreading the false propaganda that we are asking for money to sign an appeal to The Honourable CJI, Supreme Court India. The mass Petition as posted on the platform of is as follows:


You know very well that I have never asked for money/donation for running the expensive web platform of the Once in a Blue Moon Academia⤡. The fact is that the, GoPetition, Campol, or any other platforms are taking donations (technically it is called “crowd funding”) for web-based campaigning. All such donations are not deposited in my bank but to the owners of the websites. Earlier we had spent money for filing almost five petitions. It is matter of regret that in the context of Neo-liberal economy, everything is commodity sponsored by the companies. Even the act of revolution is also sponsored in the Cyber-age of simulation (Cf. the movie, The International⤡. ).

Though, we are working without self-assertion, we are now bound to advertise our acts and activities against such rumours. Please pardon me and my family for such self-avowed deed.

We have:

  1. written contents after rigorous investigations and researches (without logico-lagal inputs, how one can hear our plea for justice in the court of law? Only emotional outbursts would not count.);

  2. created 200+ posters, films, podcasts, plays (both in English and Hindi), and reels following the go of the day in the context of web-based non-violent civil disobedience movement. When the mainstream Godi media (fourth pillar of the democracy) has cut a sorry figure to establish facts, when they are used as Goebbelsian propaganda machines to manufacture the consent of the masses, we have to take our recourse to the newly emerging fifth pillar of democracy, the social media, following the paths of Ravish Kumar, Dhruv Rathee, Deshbhakt, Sakshi Joshi, Abhisar Sharma, Alt. News, Desh Neeti, News laundry, Ajit Anjum, Deepak Sharma et al⤡.

  3. filed almost 10+ RTIs (with follow ups) to know the “truths” of the DHFL Scam⤡;

  4. knocked every door of the possible gatekeepers, viz., NHRC⤡ , The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) ⤡, The Open Society Foundations⤡, Interpol⤡, Comptroller And Auditor General Of India (Cag), Honourable Queen of the United Kingdom⤡, Wikipedia⤡, The Central Vigilance Commissioner, CBI, ED, NIA ⤡ etc.

  5. As a non-partisan political animals (zoon politikon), taken a serious risk to go against the role of the super-rich crony ruling party and billionaire, who is subsequently a secondary kin of another crony billionaire, a close ally of the ruling party. We (along with five others) have got threats, allegations for defaming a billionaire with an astronomical compensation amount of rupees 100cr. The “naturally” vindictive one may annihilate us without any hesitation. Cf. Accidental “Deaths” (?) of some Hindutvavadi Activists (Morte accidentale di Hindutvavadi Attivisti) .

  6. Written several academic papers on Researchgate and to expose the bare face of oligarchical autocracy or plutocratic regime that has led to such economic collapse through our journal CONVERGENCE TO PRAXIS. Especially, we must mention Devil’s Advocacy: Sabotaging Hindutva, which is a deconstructive attempt to unpack the heterogeneous uncontradictory contradictions (aporia) in the Hindutva’s bulldozing project of a standardized, homogenized, uncontaminated, pasteurized, monolithic nation-statist imagiNATION. These attempts would have a huge say in deciding the future condition of the “union of states”, i.e., India. We composed these papers as part of our all-out attack (as in Total Football) from all possible fronts and dimensions.

So, many ailing people are depending on us because they are not tech-savvy, or plunged themselves in pseudo-sciences such as fatalistic astrology, some are way too scared (in the context of the Orwellian state, as Tagore might have said after witnessing the present state of affairs, “where the mind is NOT without fear”!) to sign the petition in the first place, some think that we are sacrificial goats (homo sacer) etc. Some people think, especially the petitioners in Mr. Vinay Mittal’s (with due respect to them) court cases, “All the letters of the OBMA will be thrown in the dustbin beside parliament.” Though it is not possible in the age of cyber-vigilance as all our letters etc., are archived in the cyber-space and the whole world can view the content of our discontent. Furthermore, with the coming of the Personal Data Protection/Data Privacy Bill⤡ , all the data of Indian citizens are stored in the data-treasury of the government-corporate nexus.

We are fighting for those who cannot afford the fees of the courts, (cf. Here’s proof that poor get gallows, rich mostly escape. VIEW HERE (As reported on JULY 21, 2015 © The Times on India and Do you have faith in the Contemporary Indian Judiciary?⤡ ) instead of making money-signifier (fishing in the troubled waters?) at the cost of human suffering. As we are on the same boat, we are earnestly requesting you all to take any action for getting back our hard-earned money without competition and enmity. For this reason, we have cited the mantra of non-hostile togetherness at the beginning of this letter. Moreover, we are urging for unity of all the victims forgetting the governmental “Divide and Rule” strategy as we are in the same boat.

It is to be noted that we are acting as a pressure group, without which the five pillars of democracy cannot work. Even some people questioned our achievements for doing such work. In answer to those who think like that about us, we can say only one thing: history will decide the “achievements” of such performance: “CONDEMN ME, BUT HISTORY WILL ABSOLVE ME.” (Fidel Castro)

As far as we remember, in a United Nations’ Conference, former Prime Minister late Mrs. Indira Gandhi cited Rabindranath Tagore’s poem “Nagarlakshmi” (Lakshmi of the City) in the context of debt taken from the World Bank-International Monetary Fund-World Trade Organization Trio. The poem depicts a female beggar, or otherwise, pauper, Supriya, offered the Buddha her empty bowl, with the hope to save an epidemic. Buddha courteously accepted this empty bowl instead of taking huge amount of material wealth from the merchants. Let us cite the ending stanza from the same:

She bows to all;

Says, “I have this begging bowl;

The most infirm I am, a destitute lone

So will shower on me your compassion.

On your mercy thus,

Lord’s command will be victorious,

At your home lies my treasure

Overflow will my bowl at your pleasure –

Your alms noble will ease out

The curse of drought.”

(Trans: Rajat Das Gupta)

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay

Mrs. Rupa Bandyopadhyay

Mr. Akhar Bandyopadhyay

A Victimized Family of Bewildered, Beleaguered, Perplexed, Anguished, Anxious, Hapless, Helpless and Ailing DHFL FD Holders

बहुजनहिताय बहुजनसुखाय च॥

(“For the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”)


We must acknowledge those who have donated/chipped in (to the CHANGE.ORG) to our cause according to their capacity:

a) Bhupendra Jha (contributed more than once)

b) Arunava Sarvagna ( (contributed more than once)

c) Atreyee Dutta Roy (Non-FD holder)

d) Him Suman Sarkar and his family (contributed more than once)

e) Mallesh M

f) Sayantan Mukhopadhyay (Non-FD holder)

g) Himanshu Dani

h)Ravindra Mahidhar

i) Tarak Rajbanshi

j) Hamidul Islam Molla

k) Mahua Sarkar

l) Himanshu Dan

m) Premananda Das

n) Kallol Mahalanobis, though not a DHFL victim, contributed the following amount for sharing and caring (sahabhāga):

o) Deepak Chamaria

p) Dibyendu Mukherjee

q) Dipayan Dhar (Non-FD Holder)

r) Damodar Shenoy

s) Akhar Bandyopadhyay (Non-FD Holder)

t) Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay (contributed more than once)

u) Rupa Sanyal

v) Hayagreev Vadari

w)Tapash Mitra

x) Kirit Doshi

y) Luis D’Costa


Seven anonymous persons, who refrained from giving their names publicly.

We are indebted to them for their kind contribution.

For writing the content, we also thank

Ravindra Mahidhar,

Kirti Kumar Pal and

Subhasish Dutta.

For sharing or circulating our posts, we must thank

Senthil Kumar Thangavel,

Ravi Pratap Singh and

Amit Kumar Srivastav.



দুর্ভিক্ষ শ্রাবস্তীপুরে যবে

জাগিয়া উঠিল হাহারবে,

বুদ্ধ নিজভক্তগণে শুধালেন জনে জনে,

“ক্ষুধিতেরে অন্নদানসেবা

তোমরা লইবে বল কেবা?’

শুনি তাহা রত্নাকর শেঠ

করিয়া রহিল মাথা হেঁট।

কহিল সে কর জুড়ি, “ক্ষুধার্ত বিশাল পুরী,

এর ক্ষুধা মিটাইব আমি

এমন ক্ষমতা নাই স্বামী!’

কহিল সামন্ত জয়সেন,

“যে আদেশ প্রভু করিছেন

তাহা লইতাম শিরে যদি মোর বুক চিরে

রক্ত দিলে হ’ত কোনো কাজ–

মোর ঘরে অন্ন কোথা আজ!’

নিশ্বাসিয়া কহে ধর্মপাল,

“কী কব, এমন দগ্ধ ভাল,

আমার সোনার খেত শুষিছে অজন্মা-প্রেত,

রাজকর জোগানো কঠিন–

হয়েছে অক্ষম দীনহীন।’

রহে সবে মুখে মুখে চাহি,

কাহারো উত্তর কিছু নাহি।

নির্বাক্‌ সে সভাঘরে ব্যথিত নগরী-‘পরে

বুদ্ধের করুণ আঁখি দুটি

সন্ধ্যাতারাসম রহে ফুটি।

তখন উঠিল ধীরে ধীরে

রক্তভাল রাজনম্রশিরে

অনাথপিণ্ডদসুতা বেদনায় অশ্রুপ্লুতা,

বুদ্ধের চরণরেণু লয়ে

মধু কণ্ঠে কহিল বিনয়ে–

“ভিক্ষুণীর অধম সুপ্রিয়া

তব আজ্ঞা লইল বহিয়া।

কাঁদে যারা খাদ্যহারা আমার সন্তান তারা,

নগরীরে অন্ন বিলাবার

আমি আজি লইলাম ভার।’

বিস্ময় মানিল সবে শুনি–

“ভিক্ষুকন্যা তুমি যে ভিক্ষুণী!

কোন্‌ অহংকারে মাতি লইলে মস্তকে পাতি

এ-হেন কঠিন গুরু কাজ!

কী আছে তোমার কহো আজ।’

কহিল সে নমি সবা-কাছে,

“শুধু এই ভিক্ষাপাত্র আছে।

আমি দীনহীন মেয়ে অক্ষম সবার চেয়ে,

তাই তোমাদের পাব দয়া–

প্রভু-আজ্ঞা হইবে বিজয়া।

“আমার ভাণ্ডার আছে ভরে

তোমা-সবাকার ঘরে ঘরে।

তোমরা চাহিলে সবে এ পাত্র অক্ষয় হবে।

ভিক্ষা-অন্নে বাঁচাব বসুধা–

মিটাইব দুর্ভিক্ষের ক্ষুধা।’

NAGARLAKSHMI by Rabindranath Tagore

Translated by Rajat Das Gupta

As famine environed Sravastipur in despair

With all round wail in the air,

Asked Buddha his devotees –

“Who will shoulder the duties

Of all the hapless to feed

At this hour of need?”

Ratnakar Seth only did blight

To respond, “No way do I sight –

To satiate the vast populace,

Far beyond me is this awesome menace.” –

With his hands folded

And in shame hung his head.

Says Jaisen, the army chief –

“Lord’s command I’d comply only if

The blood of my chest

That I can offer at best

Would be any rescue

To grow grains even a few.”

Says Dharmapal with a sigh

“Alas, my ill luck runs high;

My farm where gold would sprout

Now blasts under drought –

Even King’s revenue

Is long due.”

They look at faces of one another

Coming out with no answers;

Silent in that hall

The aggrieved eyes of Buddha fall

To the mortified habitat out there

Like the evening star’s stare.

Slowly then arose

A blushing red rose

The orphan maid yet with grace,

Running down her face

Compassion molten into tears

Says in her humble voice melodious –

“Supriya, the meanest nun takes up Thy onus –

All starving souls are my children

It’s my duty to get them food grain.”

All there struck with wonder –

“A hermit girl, how do you dare

This awful task to shoulder,

Your boast rests on what treasure?’

She bows to all;

Says, “I have this begging bowl;

The most infirm I am, a destitute lone

So will shower on me your compassion.

On your mercy thus,

Lord’s command will be victorious,

At your home lies my treasure

Overflow will my bowl at your pleasure –

Your alms noble will ease out

The curse of drought.”



The travellers spread their mats on the ground under the banyan tree.

A gust of wind blows out the lamp and the darkness deepens like a sleep into a swoon.

Someone from the crowd suddenly stands up and pointing to the leader with merciless finger breaks out:

‘False prophet, thou hast deceived us!’

Others take up the cry one by one, women hiss their hatred and men growl.

At last one bolder than others suddenly deals him a blow.

They cannot see his face, but fall upon him in a fury of destruction and hit him till he lies prone upon the ground his life extinct.

The night is still, the sound of the distant waterfall comes muffled and a faint breath of jasmine floats in the air.


THE PILGRIMS are afraid.

The woman begins to cry, the men in an agony of wretchedness shout at them to stop.

Dogs break out barking and are cruelly whipped into silence broken by moans.

The night seems endless and men and women begin to wrangle as to who among them was to blame.

They shriek and shout and as they are ready to unsheathe their knives the darkness pales, the morning light overflows the mountain tops.

Suddenly they become still and gasp for breath as they gaze at the figure lying dead.

The women sob out loud and men hide their faces in their hands.

A few try to slink away unnoticed,

but their crime keeps them chained to their victim.

They ask each other in bewilderment,

‘Who will show us the path?’

The old man from the East bends his head and says:

‘The Victim.’

They sit still and silent.

Again speaks the old man,

‘We refused him in doubt, we killed him in anger, now we shall accept him in love,

for in his death he lives in the life of us all, the great Victim.’

And they all stand up and mingle their voices and sing,

‘Victory to the Victim.’

Rabindranath Tagore, “The Child” (1930)


बहुजनहिताय बहुजनसुखाय च॥
(“For the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”)

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