Posted on 14th February, 2022
To Shri Ram Nath Kovind,
The Honourable President,
The Republic of India
Sub: A) Construction Work after the declaration of Municipal Elections at the Baranagar Municipality and B) Rampant Rigging in West Bengal Elections
Respected Sir,
This is to inform you that certain construction works are taking place in different places across the Baranagar Municipality in West Bengal, ignoring the Model Code of Conduct for Municipal Elections.
One instance of such work is shown in the following video:
This is also to request you to kindly note the rampant rigging of elections by the current ruling party of West Bengal (generally speaking, it is continuing since 1972, i.e., power continues and power corrupts!) as found in the personal testimonies of several of our Academician friends, who had worked in the capacity of presiding officers at various polling booths. Even our WBCS officer-friends, who acted as election observers, have substantiated the very fact in personal telephonic conversation. The instances of violent rigging were also observed in different print, electronic and social media.
We reckon that we are not living in an Orwellian state where, according to the convention of the “Newspeak“, rigged elections are called “democratic” elections. We do not want the elections to become mere political occasions wherein the fundamental human rights stand in suspension due to the prevalence of money and muscle power. We envisage a decentralized, dialogue-based, green democracy.
We hope that you will take the necessary steps to curb such anti-democratic practices for the sake of a free and just society as enshrined in our esteemed Constitution.
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay
Mrs. Rupa Bandyopadhyay
Mr. Akhar Bandyopadhyay
On Behalf of the Once In A Blue Moon Academia⤡
बहुजनहिताय बहुजनसुखाय च॥
(“For the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”)
1. The Honourable Governor, The Government of West Bengal
2. The Honourable Chief Election Commissioner, Election Commission of India
3. The Honourable State Election Commissioner, West Bengal State Election Commission
